Loot. Raid. Survive. No traders, just the hunt for what’s yours.
Breaking any rules of the server will result in punishments at the discretion of the server owners and admins.
Duping, Hacking, Exploiting, Glitching, Cheating, Racism, hate-speech and impersonating staff are bannable.
Make a ticket if you identify a cheater, calling them out in chat makes it harder for staff
Clips are requested as evidence for any reports requesting admin intervention
Losing stuff due to a server crash will not be refunded without evidence.
Be respectful to staff.
English is required in global side chat.
Do not camp freshie spawns.
Do not call out players/base locations in side chat.
Do not loot airdrops from vehicles.
Do not stream snipe players.
Do not log out in keycard rooms (logging out here will teleport you out of the room)
Max 4 players in a group. Groups are allowed to switch members every 15 minutes after PVP (last kill between teams).
Those members waiting for slot in team can be online but they can’t participate in a PVP until the timer is over.
You only can play with people you share base/flagpole with.
You may not cycle between teams.
Group may own 3 vehicles max (helicopters, boats, cars, etc). Team in possession of more than the allowed limit for greater than 24 hours will have their vehicle deleted without warning
Using teammates to boost KD or getting top 1 in leaderboard will be punished by wiping stats.
Moonwalking and ice sliding are not allowed.
Vanilla building disabled, Chimera uses base-building-plus.
2 bases per 1 group.
Don’t build a base greater than 5 wide x 4 tall free-standing from ground or 5×3 from the top of any vanilla structure.
Don’t build more than 20 gates per base including a maximum of 5 Tier 3 gates.
No peaks that don’t allow the hostile party to not be able to shoot back/see you.
Bases can’t be placed underneath Airdrop.
You are not allowed to build ramps/peaks in your base to camp.
You are not allowed to use tents as doors.
Bases must be supported to the ground.
Bases must be raidable.
You are not allowed to block a way for raiders with barbed wire.
Don’t build on or over roads.
Don’t build around water wells/cement mixers.
Don’t build in Police.
Bases with a line of sight to military POI’s, or keycard rooms must not have doors, windows, gates facing the POI
Bases breaking the rules will be claimed by admins, teams will be given 48 hours to correct any issues or the base will be deleted.
PLAYERS and ADMINS ARE REQUIRED TO RECORD RAIDS! (if you are requested to provide the recording and can’t provide it within 48 hours, items will be removed and a ban may be issued)
Raiding a base can only be done with C4 or Raidsaws.
Softside raiding is allowed.
Doors/Gates are the only things that are destructible with C4.
Logging off – not logging back on (icludes server restart) is not allowed.
Base rebuilding is prohibited 30 minutes from the last C4 explosion/raidsaw usage (doesn’t apply to softsiding).
Do not take over a base.
Boosting is only allowed with 3 people, do not bring items or cars to use.
Using a Heli to raid is allowed.
You are not allowed to use in-game bugs or glitches to raid bases. You can not use ladders and jump animation to glitch through walls, punch windows to open them etc.
You are not allowed to log out inside enemy bases.
Insiding is allowed. raid periods still apply
Raid Periods: You may only raid during the times below (You may softside raid anytime without using bugs, must still be recorded)